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POPI Policy
POPIA promotes the protection of personal information. Pike Law and Pike Law Management Services prioritises the protection of your and your organisation’s personal information. Therefore, we will only collect, use, disclose, and retain your personal information, if there is a lawful purpose for doing so.
Personal information is information that identifies you or your organisation, for example, a name, race, gender, marital status, identity number, registration number, financial status, contact details and biometric information.
Pike Law collects and uses personal information mainly to:
- Communicate and interact with our suppliers and clients. Such communication and interaction may be done by email, phone, post or online (through our website or social media platforms).
- Provide information or services that suppliers and clients may request from us.
- Comply with legal obligations, for example, the Companies Act and the Income Tax Act.
- Improve our services by conducting research and surveys to obtain feedback from our suppliers and clients.
- Inform suppliers and clients about changes at Pike Law.
Pike Law normally collects personal information directly from suppliers or clients or their authorised representatives. This is done by virtue of the existing contractual relationship between a supplier or client and Pike Law. Pike Law may also collect your personal information from other sources, if POPIA allows for this to be done, for example, company registration information collected from the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) and confirmation of VAT registration with SARS.
Pike Law will take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that the personal information is complete, accurate and up to date where necessary. To enable Pike Law to do so, Pike Law requires that you promptly notify us of any changes to your personal information.
Pike Law has put in place appropriate technical measures and applied industry best practices to safeguard personal information against access by unauthorised persons, unlawful disclosure, or breaches.
Pike Law’s privacy policy can be viewed here.
Pike Law